
Are Atheist Bad People Part 1

Are atheists bad people? Are they smarter than the person, who dares to say, “I believe in God?” The absence of one’s faith is a growing trend in America. The Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism reports, “the number of Americans who say they are 'religious' dropped from 73 percent in 2005 (the last time the poll was conducted) to 60 percent. Additionally, the number of Americans who say they are atheist rose from 1 percent to 5 percent” (washingtonpost). That is a 500% increase in atheists! It looks like atheism comes with a free side of large fries and a Coke; hatred might come with a cool coupon (will explain later). As atheism/hatred rise also does the number of obesity and overweight -- coupons must be to McDonalds
I have developed my presuppositions of atheism from many years of experience. I attended four high schools, four middle schools, and two elementary schools. In the midst, I have grown to know an array of individuals. I would rate my people skills at a PhD sociologist level. Nonetheless, through my nomadic lifestyle, I stumbled upon (sometimes tripped) what makes people tick (mad), click (happy), their values, and a load of other stuff I wish I never knew. Most importantly, I am currently enrolled at Valdosta State University, and I am being served up my second atheist roommate. In the next post, I will talk about my old roommate -- pretty interesting I must say.

Are Atheist Bad People Part 1 Are Atheist Bad People Part 1 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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Apr 24, 2013

Are Atheist Bad People Part 1

Are atheists bad people? Are they smarter than the person, who dares to say, “I believe in God?” The absence of one’s faith is a growing trend in America. The Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism reports, “the number of Americans who say they are 'religious' dropped from 73 percent in 2005 (the last time the poll was conducted) to 60 percent. Additionally, the number of Americans who say they are atheist rose from 1 percent to 5 percent” (washingtonpost). That is a 500% increase in atheists! It looks like atheism comes with a free side of large fries and a Coke; hatred might come with a cool coupon (will explain later). As atheism/hatred rise also does the number of obesity and overweight -- coupons must be to McDonalds
I have developed my presuppositions of atheism from many years of experience. I attended four high schools, four middle schools, and two elementary schools. In the midst, I have grown to know an array of individuals. I would rate my people skills at a PhD sociologist level. Nonetheless, through my nomadic lifestyle, I stumbled upon (sometimes tripped) what makes people tick (mad), click (happy), their values, and a load of other stuff I wish I never knew. Most importantly, I am currently enrolled at Valdosta State University, and I am being served up my second atheist roommate. In the next post, I will talk about my old roommate -- pretty interesting I must say.

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